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A bad day at work, an emotional break up or even a fight with a best friend can cause enormous stress levels within us. While some of us are good with coping mechanisms, most of us often succumb to unhealthy habits like binge eating. But why does this happen? Why does it feel like an absolute loss of control over ourselves? Is there a way to cope with stress without indulging in stress eating? You’ll first have to understand the relationship between stress and eating.


In stressful situations, our body triggers a “fight or flight” response which secretes a hormone called cortisol. When cortisol is released, hunger levels in our body start peaking and this amps up our cravings to consume energy-dense foods that are high in calories, sugar and fat. This inturn leads us to dive head first into a jar of cookies or an unhealthy array of food items we call “comfort foods”.

Comfort food increases the serotonin levels in our body, giving us a mood-boost for a short period of time. Soon enough, the boost lapses, causing the blood sugar levels to crash, leaving you hungry for more.

This often starts a vicious cycle of eating because you’re stressed, which is followed by guilt-triggered stress because you ate so much. All in all, this cycle leaves you with nothing but more stress.


Of course there is a way out. Why else would we write the blog?

Stress, like you already know, can arise out of various situations. What might look stressful to you, might simply be just another problem for someone else. But thankfully, when it comes to coping with it in a healthy way, there are some common to-do’s that can help everyone through stress, whatever may be the cause.


One of the simplest ways to cope with stress is to just throw some heat within your body. While going out for a walk is the simplest form of exercise, feel free to indulge in any sport or even cycling for that matter. Exercising is a proven way to get the cortisol levels lower in your body. And all in all it is indeed the best way to feel good about yourself.


A great way to focus and relax your body. Spend some time every day only with yourself and breathe. Even pursuing simple forms of yoga can do wonders when it comes to making healthier choices when dealing with Stress.


Consciously making healthy eating choices may look difficult at first, but it has more benefits to offer than what meets the eye. Firstly, pushing yourself to make a healthy choice will make you feel good about making the choice itself. Secondly, when has making a healthy choice ever hurt your body? Making this choice repeatedly can be incredibly difficult to start with, but hey! We’ve got that covered for you. When in doubt, always take a Sip of Change.


Stress eating often helps you cope with the feeling of loneliness. To counter that, surround yourself with friends, family or whoever you feel comfortable around. When you’re in your comfort zone, you can easily push the urge of indulging in “comfort food” away.

Getting rid of the stress binge eating habit does not happen overnight. But while you’re on your way to get rid of it, you can always choose to indulge in a Storia and push the guilt away.


Why bother depending on artificial supplements to boost your immunity when you can naturally get an even better result. All you gotta do is change a few, just a few of your habits. That’s right! Some things that you might be doing everyday, be it while asleep or awake might be affecting your immune system in a negative manner. As our older forefathers might say, “prevention is better than cure”. So, here’s listing down 6 simple ways in which you can keep a track of your habits and also boost your immune system; quite naturally!


If you’re somewhere in your mid-20s and 30s, then you know the value of a good night’s sleep. After all, no one likes cribbing about a sleepless night that in turn results in a bad day. Even though sleeping is perhaps the laziest activity, it is the most essential one too. When your body is in rest mode and asleep, it is fighting infections. Getting good quality sleep that is adequate to your body and mind needs helps build immunity that allows you to fight viruses and other potential diseases.


Time and again we’ve heard that a healthy diet leads to a healthy mind. Perhaps what people miss out on is that a healthy diet also helps you get a healthy immune system. Now, as important as it is to eat mindfully and ensure that you are supplementing your body with plenty of greens, vegetables, fruits, grains and proteins; it is also equally important to treat yourself with your favourite foods now and then. A healthy diet is not about depriving yourself, but it is about making sure that your meals are well-balanced.


Water is an essential for the body and it performs many roles, but one of them is to support and build your immune system. You can say that water is the ultimate immunity booster. When your body is dehydrated, the circulatory system is directly affected and it slows down your immune system. Even when you aren’t doing any tedious tasks like exercising or sweating profusely, your body is still getting dehydrated by losing water through simple processes like breathing. Understand how much water your body requires every day and make sure you meet those requirements. Remember, no other watery drinks can replace water.


Whether it is an instantaneous moment of stress, or something that has been building up overtime, stress can severely damage your immune system. Whenever your body and mind tend to cope up with this moment of stress, it takes a lot out of your immune system and hence, increases risks to your health. Of course, the amount and response to stress is different in any person but it is definitely important to identify this stress and find your solution for it. Breathing exercises, self-care or even spending some time with yourself can help gain control of stress.


Since we’re already speaking of stress, one of the best ways to de-stress is by exercising. When we do any kind of physical exercise, our body releases endorphins that help us enhance overall circulation and gain clarity in mind (reduce the stress). Now, you don’t have to go all gaga and become a term popularly known as “gym freak” but rather, make sure that you get the exercise required by your body specifically. Stimulate your immune system by doing 30-minutes of light exercise, or take a walk, maybe dance to a couple songs; the choices are plenty.

And if you’re looking for a great partner while you are out there changing your habits and building up your immunity, try Storia!